Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Funny Games - Review

If I were going to the multiplex on some hot date to see 'Funny Games' with absolutely no knowledge of what I was getting myself into, I would have probably walked out. When the final credits rolled for this film, I ached all over; my muscles and nerves were shot. This film has been called "a thesis(which I agree with)," "artsy garbage(which I don't agree with)" and "the one film to definitely avoid in 2008(which I don't know how to feel about)."
The film's premise is like that of a horror film, but no horror film has had me scratching my head in amazement quite like this. George(Tim Roth), his wife Anne(Naomi Watts) and their son are settling into an enormous, beautiful vacation home when they are visited by boys dressed completely in white. What follows is... well games. I'll let you decide if they are funny. The family is tortured in a number of gruesome ways that could make the most complacent movie-goer squirm in their seat. Enjoy the first twenty minutes because once the suspense begins, it's do or die until the end(no pun intended).
The performances are stunning and the writing is staggeringly well done. There is a message here, but it is less a lecture and more a broad slap in the face(much like Michael Pitt, one of the white-clad assailants receives in the beginning) to Americans and frankly movie watchers everywhere. I don't think it is wrong to call this film "pretentious" or "vicious," but its safe to say 'unforgettable' should be added to this colorful list of adjectives.
Perhaps this film is preachy, but the attention to detail is exhaustive. Some could call this a critique on violence in cinema or violence porn. Call it whatever you like, I found it hypnotizing and completely terrifying to my bones. But I don't know if I can blatantly recommend this film. It takes an open mind and a strong stomach. So if you do decide to see "Funny Games" prepare for suspense, prepare for violence and prepare for the absurdly bizarre and maybe you won't be disgusted and appalled like everyone else in the theater.
I'm sure this film will be pounded into submission by critics and make close to no revenue, but if anything do not dismiss this film as yet another violence drenched piece of celluloid. To quote Hannibal Lector: "This one will give you plenty of exercise."

1 comment:

John/Donny said...

Good review! I'll probably see this...but not until it's on rental.