Friday, June 24, 2011

Test Your Green IQ

#1. True or False: Running the dishwasher uses less water than hand-washing your dishes. That’s TRUE. A study by the University of Bonn in Germany found that it takes about 27 gallons of water to hand-wash 12 place settings. Since the average bathtub holds 20 gallons, that’s a little over a tub-full of water per day. On the flip side, your standard-size, Energy Star-rated dishwasher only uses about six gallons for a normal wash. So, using a dishwasher can save about 5,000 gallons of water a year, and $40 on your utility bill.

Next True/False question: “CFL” or Compact fluorescent bulbs contain mercury so you shouldn’t throw them away. That’s TRUE. CFL bulbs, which cut energy use by 70%, contain trace amounts of mercury, which can harm your nervous system. You can be exposed if the bulbs break in the trash. Instead, drop off burned out CFLs at designated recycling areas at Home Depot and Ikea stores.

We’re testing your Green IQ. True or False: It takes more energy to shut down your computer than to put it to sleep. This one is FALSE! There’s an energy surge when you turn on a switched-off computer, but the energy you saved while it was off more than makes up for it.

The final True/False question: Toilets are the biggest water hogs in the house. That’s TRUE! According to the EPA, toilets use almost 30% of the water in your house. So, to save water, replace all toilets made before 1994 with new ones. Look for the EPA’s WaterSense label. You’ll save about $90 a year on water bills. If you can’t afford to replace your old ones, put a toilet dam or a brick in the tank. It cuts down on the space that can be filled with water. and saves about a gallon of water per flush.

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