Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friends and Health

The best thing you can do for your health may be to make some new friends. That’s because study after study has shown that social ties - with family, friends, and even pets - pay off in terms of good health and longer lives. Dr. Andrew Weil, a Harvard Medical School graduate and founder of the Integrative Medicine Program at the University of Arizona, says there’s a lot of evidence that links good health with strong connections to family and friends. Here are some examples:
  • The immune system is negatively affected by signs of distress, and one of those signs is a lack of social support.

  • Also, one study of 75 medical students found that those who were lonely had more sluggish immune systems than students who weren’t.

  • Then, research has shown that people with pets are healthier than people without them. Dr. Weil says pet owners also recover from serious illnesses faster.

  • Another bit it evidence that links strong social and family ties to good health: People who use the words “I,” “me,” and “mine” in conversation are more susceptible to heart attacks. People who talk about friends and family – and use the words “we”, “us” and “ours” have stronger hearts.

  • Studies show that people who get out and spend more time with others during cold and flu season actually get sick less than people who choose to be alone.

  • Being grateful for what you have is closely associated with physical and emotional health.

Get out there and cultivate the close relationships in your life – because they’re keeping you healthy. You can get more health tips from Dr. Weil at

1 comment:

Lori E said...

I think your mascot is hilarious. Blog is great too. I meet every weekday morning with a coffee group and we all know laughter is the best medicine. And believe me we often laugh until the tears are flowing. The real goal however is to have coffee come out of one of our noses.