Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Beware of Flirting Robots!

From PC World Magazine:

Singles beware! If you’re looking for love online, you now have another reason to be careful: Flirting Robots! They’re the latest tool used by hackers to gain access to your personal information and passwords. Here’s how they work: The software’s called Cyber Lover and it can establish a new relationship with 10 people in just 30 minutes. How? By masquerading as an online dater. It’s so high-tech that it can take on a variety of personalities and respond to your questions, just like a real person.

Next, the program lulls you into a sense of security by being sweet. It asks you questions like, “When’s your birthday?” and “What’s your address? I want to send you a card.” As you chat, Cyber Lover compiles a detailed report of your personal information. It can even include your picture if you make it available! Then, it sells the information to hackers who use it to access your bank accounts and credit cards. Don’t think you can trust your instincts! Sergei Shevchenko, a computer security expert, says that it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between the software and a real person. So, here’s how to protect yourself:

  • Use an alias. Until you’re positive that you’re dealing with a real human who has no ulterior motives, use a screen name that keeps you anonymous.

  • Protect your personal information. Don’t answer any questions about where you live, work, or go to school. Also, don’t reveal information like your birthday, or where you bank.
  • Don’t click on links sent in instant messages, or visit new websites at the suggestion of someone you’ve met online.

Now, if you’re worried you’ll scare off potential suitors, don’t be. Anyone who really wants to get to know you will understand why you’re cautious. That’s because the only thing they want to steal is your heart - not your hard-earned cash.

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