Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tricks for Feeling More Confident

From Shape Magazine:

Remember the last time you spoke your mind without thinking twice about how you look, or what people might think? For most people, those days stopped around the time they turned 10! Here’s your chance to reawaken your self-esteem, restore your confidence, and become that vibrant person you were back in the good ol’ days.
  • Stop trying! That means eliminate statements like: “I’m trying to lose weight,” “I’m trying to get a raise” or “I’m trying to get a date.” Trying to do something means you’re accepting – and possibly expecting – failure. That’s just not okay! So instead of trying, set goals you can actually start doing!
  • Stand up straight. One study found that 100% of people who completed a posture-improvement program felt more confident. Why? Dr. Shawn Talbott wrote the book The Cortisol Connection and he says poor posture locks negative emotions inside the body, which sets up a cycle of low self-esteem. Hunching also sends a message to others that you’re not confident!
  • Get more sleep. Sleep-deprived people are cranky, and have trouble concentrating. Research also shows they're more likely to suffer from low self-esteem and blue moods. So try going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night until you're getting between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • Get more exercise, but don’t expect to run a marathon right from Day 1. The key to making exercise a daily habit is to take baby steps. So commit yourself to doing 10 minutes of walking first, then slowly do more as your energy and confidence increases.
  • Find something you’re good at and stick with it. Remember Michael Phelps at the Olympics? He could have easily gotten down on himself after being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Instead, he channeled his extra energy into something he was passionate about – swimming! You can do the same. Simply find a hobby you love, and pour yourself into it at least once a week. It’ll reduce your stress, and it’ll give you a sense of mastery that’ll spill over into everything else you pursue in life.

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