Sunday, August 24, 2008

Things Your Computer Expert May Not Tell You

From Reader's Digest:

According to a study, when confronted with a dead computer, 19 percent of people admit to wanting to hurl it out the nearest window. Well, the next time you feel like throwing your machine off the 5th floor balcony, perhaps this’ll help: I have a list of things your computer person may not tell you, but you should know.

  • If you’ve got a computer problem, turn it off, then turn it back on. Nine times out of ten, rebooting your computer – and any equipment that connects to it – will solve the problem.

  • Remember, public Wi-fi is public. So if you don’t have a compelling reason to check your e-mail or bank account while sipping a latte at the mall, don’t do it. While you’re on a public network – even one that’s encrypted – a nearby hacker can capture your passwords. Consider yourself warned.

  • Another thing your computer person might not tell you: Give your computer a rest. Turning off your computer when it’s not in use saves energy and clears out the RAM – or temporary memory – which would otherwise slow your machine over time.

  • They’re like Santa. In other words, they know if you’ve been bad or good. So you might as well ‘fess up to what really happened right before the system crashed. It’s going to save time – and the computer person is going to figure it out anyway. So if you couldn’t resist opening that e-mail titled “You’ve just won a million dollars!”, just say so.

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