Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My heaven is in the Scranton business park

The last few months, life has been stressful and depressing at times. I've had my ups and downs and I've had my hopeless moments, but I've always found solace somewhere between Pam's reception desk and Michael's office. My frustrations and worries dissolve with a visit to Shrute Farm or a quick drink at Poor Richards.

I suppose my point to this measly little tirade is that happiness is not always guaranteed, that doubt and fear can cloud ones perspective and convince them that they have failed. It's not always easy to get through times of sadness. But sometimes it can simply mean finding the beauty in the mundane and drab that can inspire your heart to get up tomorrow and try again. And that is exactly what "The Office" has done for me, helped me realize that great things can always come of nightmares and that faith in the very depths of the human experience is usually accomplished on blind faith. Now this sounds pretty heavy handed, and it is. Next you'll think I feel that Buddha speaks through "Friends" or that "Saved by the Bell" holds the keys to youthful energy. But all cynicism aside, "The Office" has been a well of happiness and escapism when I felt that I could never smile again.

Although it is ridiculous, I think it best to encourage everyone and anyone to find the parts of their life and the people in their life that truly make it all worth living. Because yes, "The Office" is just a TV show, a sit-com about a group of dissatisfied, bored employees in a dull office of a failing company. And yet it has made difference between a rabbit in a hat, and true magic to me; and that is always what we look for.

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