Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Science of the Sexes, Take 2


Mistakes Men Make When Trying to Meet Women

So you see the woman of your dreams across a crowded room. If she avoids you like last week’s tuna sandwich, obviously you’re doing something wrong! Here are the five biggest mistakes men make when trying to meet women.

  • Mistake #1: Approaching without the go ahead. According to Dr. Galdino Pranzarone, a therapist from Roanoke College, contrary to what most people think, a woman always makes her interest known first. So you need to establish eye contact and give her a little smile. If you can’t get a smile back, it means she’s not interested, and you need to move on. If she smiles, go ahead and approach.

  • Another mistake men make: Flirting with a woman’s friends. This may seem like a no-brainer, but men do it all the time. Basically, approaching a group and trying your smooth moves on the group as a whole, trying to see who bites. However, doing that is a deal-breaker for most women. Not only do you look like a jerk, but you’re also breaking the cardinal rule of impressing a woman: making her feel special.

  • Mistake #3: Using a tired joke or pick-up line to introduce yourself. You need to be George Clooney to pull off a clichéd line like, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ‘ten I see’!” Most guys can’t make it work. Studies show that being sincere works the best. So try simply saying “Hi, I’m Bob”.

  • The final mistake men make when they meet women: Not knowing when to walk away. There’s nothing worse than when a woman feels like she’s being ambushed by a lothario. So, don’t declare your undying love for a perfect stranger, or even be too insistent on getting a date. Instead, try saying, “It was nice meeting you. I’d love to see you again.” It shows that you’re not a threat. Or if you’re bold, you can just hand her your phone number and say “Call me” – and let her make the next move. Be cognizant of her body language – if her arms are folded, if she’s turned away from you, or keeps glancing around, take your lumps and move on.
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