Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Now when I first heard that a fourth installment in the Indiana Jones saga was in the works, I was skeptical, very skeptical. I enjoy the rule of three. Trilogies are a classy inspired way to make films and keep the drama motivated and timely. But there are exceptions to every rule...

From the opening sequence with Elvis Presley blaring to the final score, I haven't had this much fun at the movies in longer than I care to think about. One of my fears going into this film was constant reminders of Harrison Ford's age, but the thought vanished from my mind well before the story actually got going. What's even better, the characters acknowledge it themselves. This feature truly embodies the capturing of that movie magic where everyone can feel like a kid again.

This finale to the classic films finds the good doctor in the fifties surrounded by greasers and poodle skirts, cold war protesters and nuclear experiments. Shia LaBeouf portrays Mutt, a young, reckless sidekick, at first I felt he was slightly miscast, but the idea grew on me. Ray Winstone is marvelous as Mac, a British explorer who wears his greed on his sleeves. They and the rest of the cast are the stuff of dreams. I even enjoyed Cate Blanchett as the villainous Irina Spalko, a Russian scientist who is on a quest for all things supernatural and promising in the field of psychological warfare.

The story is far-fetched, but what Indiana Jones adventure isn't. This films offers all things we dream of at the movies: exotic locations, sword fights atop moving jeeps and a score to die for. My advice, sit back and revel in the cheese.

1 comment:

John/Donny said...

I was a little disappointed when I saw it, but now that some time has passed, I feel that it was an enjoyable movie overall.