Let’s talk about landing your next job. Everyone knows that you’re supposed to do more than answer questions at an interview. You’re supposed to ask them. That shows you’ve done your homework. Is there anything you shouldn’t ask? According to career expert Liz Ryan, the answer is definitely “Yes.” Here’s her list of what’s off-limits:
- “Are you going to do a background check?” Lots of people ask this because they’re worried about a past credit mistake - but it makes you sound like your picture is on the “FBI most wanted” list. If you’re right for the job and there’s something troubling on your record, most employers will give you a chance to explain it during the follow-up interview.
- Don’t ask: “When will I be eligible for a raise?” That’s the same as saying, “I think you’re lowballing me and I’ll be out of here the first chance I get.”
- The 3rd question that can cost you a job? “How soon can I transfer to another position?” If you feel you’re overqualified, don’t be afraid to tell the interviewer the areas in which you excel. That gives them a chance to highlight another job opening that might exist. Try something like, “This job sounds interesting, but I’m a very good supervisor, too. I supervised 15 people at my last job. Could you tell me how to gain that responsibility in this company?”
- Never ask a prospective employer, “Do you allow smoke breaks?” The last thing you want to tell a potential boss is, “I’m such a nicotine junkie that smoking is a priority for me and something I’ll bring up in an interview.” Lots of companies don’t permit smoking anywhere on the premises and in many states, your cigarette habit is a perfectly legitimate reason not to hire you.